360-Degree Video Footage Of A Class
Samsung asked us if we’d like to borrow one of their prototype 360-degree cameras. We said yes and it didn’t take us long to decide what to do with it! It’s sphere-shaped device with a front and back lens. Each lens presumably captures 180 degrees, which is automatically stitched together on saving, which is a lengthy process. You control the camera from a Samsung Galaxy and you can’t really record any more than five minutes of footage before the thing overheats and cuts out.
I wouldn’t say the quality of the picture is amazing, poor Jazmine was sat right at the stitch point in the first video, but these kind of hiccups are to be expected with cutting-edge prototype technology, and we are really grateful to Samsung’s PR company to be able to show you what it is like in a class in two of our learning environments at Garnish, so you can not only have a good look around, but really experience a session with us.
Ableton and Logic Class
We have an Ableton class and a Logic class for you to check out below. Don’t forget to grab the picture to have a look around. If you are on a mobile device, you can only move around by watching the video in the Youtube app itself so you’ll have to do a search for it as there isn’t the embedding technology yet to view as you do through the app.
In the Ableton class taken from our Music Production Summer Camp, we recorded some tips on great ways to build tension and create space in your track. Cosmic Quest shows the class some innovative techniques for creating snare turnarounds, clap builds, and tom fills by triggering drums from an arpeggiator.
In our Summer Camp version of our Logic Pro X course, Matt Engst is showing the learners how to run a vocal session with lots of tips and tricks on recording, comping, processing, and mixing vocals in Logic Pro X. One of the learners Liam O’Donell who recently had a hit with Fall Out Boy’s ‘Uma Thurman‘ kindly volunteered to step up and sing for the class. Obviously, the vocal takes we unusable because of the bleed from the monitors but we like to use a live singer in class to keep it realistic, but also comfortable for everyone so we use our Apple Suite instead of our generously equipped (but smaller) studio in the main picture.