Garnish Music Production School

Ableton Lessons London | How To Use Ableton Live


Learn how to use Ableton Live, from the best music production instructors in the country right here in London.

As a Logic user, it pains me to say that from my experience so far with Ableton Live, I always found it to be so much more immediate and ‘tricksy’; you can get results so much quicker than in Logic and it seems so much more fun to use too. Right now when working with Toby Tobias, he has Ableton going on one screen and that’s rewired into Logic. It makes a very powerful combination, so i’d advise any serious Logic users who make electronic music to learn Ableton too.

Ableton is not only great for DJs and electronic music producers, it’s fantastic for songwriters who want to quickly get ideas together and instantly jam around with their backing track ideas or even someone else’s backing track ideas. We have two instructors from very different backgrounds so our Ableton lessons cater for DJ/electronic music producers right across to people who wish to work with live and acoustic music using Ableton.

Content from the intermediate Ableton production crash course include, clip envelopes vs. mixer automation, creating build-ups and breakdowns with automation, MIDI control: remote contol / map mode, key map mode. From the live section we show you on the fly DJ effects, warping and preparing tracks, harmonic mixing, making a ‘mash-up’ and warping acapellas, using MIDI controllers effectively / mouse-free control, live loop recording and resampling.

Please see our Ableton course page and our instructors before you book anywhere else!



“I found the Ableton course highly enjoyable and informative. I went from knowing nothing about Ableton to putting together live sets and even my own tracks. The instructors were brilliant, and it was great to have two from completely different backgrounds. The class sizes are small so it’s almost like having a personal tutor in the sessions. It’s easy to ask questions or recap if you miss something. I would most definitely recommend this course to anyone who’s serious about getting to grips with Ableton and producing music.” Beat a Maxx


For now, here’s a little taster video our very own Al Riley put together demonstrating just how easy it is to turn…. a bit of a rubbish idea (let’s be honest!) into something quite interesting in minutes in Ableton.

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