How To Mix Vocals by Rob Mills
How To Mix Vocals | Rob Mills’ Blog # 4 A lot of ground was covered in the fourth week of the course. We started by looking at how to mix vocals. Of course, it is far easier to mix vocals when all of your source...
How To Mix Vocals | Rob Mills’ Blog # 4 A lot of ground was covered in the fourth week of the course. We started by looking at how to mix vocals. Of course, it is far easier to mix vocals when all of your source...
How to Use Reverb Properly and Most Efficiently | Rob Mills’ Mixing Blog # 3 Another rare sunny afternoon meant we lunched once more in the pub by the green. The class is now very at ease and small pockets of animated conversation could be heard along...
Sound Engineering Courses | Rob Mills’ Mixing Blog # 5 Week five introduced a completely different way of learning on our sound engineering course. The class found itself in a small but well-designed live room that had sound diffusers on the wall and a rather cool, vintage Yamaha baby...
How To Use Compression and More| Rob Mills' Mixing Blog Week 2 The second week of the mixing and mastering course opened with an even more relaxed atmosphere, as everyone had got to know one another a little from the previous session. This week we were to...
How To Master Music | Rob Mills’ Blog # 6 It was back to the Arthaus for the final session of the course and we were to look at how to master music. The class was taught by Tom Belton – a producer and composer with...