
Garnish Music Production School

The Benefits of Acoustic Tiles & Soundproofing

The Benefits of Acoustic Tiles & Soundproofing

Soundproofing is the ultimate necessity in any studio — whether it’s a professional or even a home one. Even if you’re a professional producer that has a home studio, you must have a room enhanced by the benefits of acoustic tiles & soundproofing, or else, you just simply can’t work from your studio. Simple as that.

However, there’s also a few common misconceptions when it comes to throwing up soundproofing in your studio. A lot of people think that gluing egg cartons, throwing old rugs, or even stuffing your actual walls can be used for on-the-fly soundproofing. However, the answer to this is… they just don’t work. You need the full benefits of acoustic tiles & soundproofing to treat a studio control room.

Simply put, sound waves are far too complex for just egg cartons or rugs on the wall. Here are a few pointers.

So, why exactly should you look into acoustic treatment?

Any untreated room will have an uneven response in frequency. This can end up becoming a problem for a variety of reasons. For instance, let’s say you are recording or even performing — this will mean you aren’t getting a completely accurate mix read because you aren’t getting a complete sound to build from. To put it simply, you can’t get an idea of how your mix will sound when it’s played back to you from elsewhere.

The above just doesn’t prove an issue for mixing, if you’re also performing in a room that isn’t treated, it makes for bad recording, echoes and background noise.

Lastly, this serves true even for a home theatre. You might not be recording, but you want the highs to stay high, as well as the lows to remain low. By properly soundproofing your theatre you can ensure you’re hearing the entire mix of your films audio.

What’s Your First Step?

There’s this huge myth that soundproofing (or acoustic tiles) should kill all of your reverb. This just isn’t true. One other recurring myth is that should cover every part of your wall — from your ceiling to your floor.
But that’s not the case — if you have acoustic tiles, you need to realize where you need them. First, make sure you know what your needs are. Will you be recording mixes that are live? Or maybe you just need a producer set-up to keep your family from going nuts.

Another important factor is size. If you’re putting together a studio in your home, it’s likely going to be a smaller space. And in a small spot, your bass frequencies are going to be a common issue. Therefore, you need to prepare accordingly be gathering the proper absorption measures such as bass traps.

All About Absorption & Diffusion

To key to getting the most benefits out of acoustic tiles & soundproofing is the perfect combo of absorption alongside diffusion. Any kind of soundproofing product that has absorptive qualities are going to “soak” the sound energy or well, absorb it. This, like tiling, is going to be the most effective when it comes to high-frequencies, which are key to reducing “ringy” sounding rooms.
Diffusion is the opposite of absorption. This is scattering sounds across the room, using a multi-faceted object or surface. They tend to come in a wide array of materials, but they are commonly wood or plastic. It helps control energy as well as helps out with your “sweet spot”, which is defined as the place to get the best sound from the speakers in your room.
Now, let’s talk about planning. Each room will need something a bit customized for your needs, but it’s always going to be a combo of trappers, diffusers, and tiles. Once you place the proofing in your room, it’s going to make quite the difference. You’re also going to adjust before you find the right fit!

So hey, it might not be a bad microphone or speaker, it very well could just be you’re not getting the full benefits of acoustic tiles & soundproofing.